
Know More About Neurological Stroke Language Disorders

Know More About Neurological Stroke Language Disorders!

Language plays a very important role in our everyday life. Language disorders are common in neurological practices. A stroke directly affects one’s brain and can cause neurological problems.

The consequences of neurological stroke language disorders are alexia, aphasia, alexia, acalculia, and agraphia. A large number of deaths worldwide are caused due to stroke. A severe stroke may impair a patient for life and cause communication disorders. The brain refuses to function properly after a stroke, thus accurate description and recognition become a challenging task.
Understanding the types of language disorders post-stroke

Stroke can severely damage a certain portion of your brain and hamper its proper functioning. One of the most common symptoms following a stroke is language loss. There can be different types of language loss, partial or even complete. Below are the types
It means complete loss of language functioning. The patient’s verbal communication is impaired and it results in difficulty in understanding both written and spoken language, repetition, naming, comprehension and other abnormalities. The blood vessels of the brain are affected causing its dysfunction. One-third of patients in the acute phase undergo this condition.
A disconnection syndrome caused due to brain damage or trauma affects the patient’s reading ability. It is also known as visual aphasia, text blindness, or word blindness. It is very different from dyslexia.
It is the inability to write unlike in the past. The motor control that allows you to write is disrupted and the patient writes wrong spellings or imaginary words and confuses the meanings.
This is also an acquired syndrome in case of which the patient cannot perform any mathematical calculations. Simple addition, subtraction, numbers and columns are a difficult task and go beyond understanding.
Language recovery
The process of recovery is difficult, slow and does not guarantee results. The severity of language impairment needs to be considered before going for therapy. Rehabilitation is necessary to avoid any depression or frustration in the patient.

  • Communication is essential. If a patient is suffering from aphasia, begin with simple words like ‘yes’ or ‘no’, hand gestures and nodding to address the basic needs.
  • Be patient and try to connect with the person emotionally.
  • Return to the daily routine. The homely environment can be beneficial and make sure you have an everyday list of words to learn or write.
  • The patient must be active and repeat words until you have the perfect pronunciation.
  • Keep a notepad handy. For patients who cannot talk and has difficulty in talking can write and express their feelings.

It is very important to stay stimulated. Motivation from friends and family relieves anxiety and can help the patient recover quickly. No two affected person goes through the same process, that’s why understand and approach accordingly.

Early therapy is effective and patients may respond very well in groups and a safe environment. Visit the doctor at regular intervals to test your improvements, reflexes and language skills. Post-stroke, the patient’s well-being should be a priority.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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